AFAIK =» As Far As I Know
AFK =» Away From Keyboard
ASAP =» As Soon As Possible
BAS =» Big A$$ Smile
BBL =» Be Back Later
BBN =» Bye Bye Now
BBS =» Be Back Soon
BEG =» Big Evil Grin
BF =» Boyfriend
BIBO =» Beer In, Beer Out
BRB =» Be Right Back
BTW =» By The Way
BWL =» Bursting With Laughter
C&G =» Chuckle and Grin
CICO =» Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID =» Crying In Disgrace
CNP =» Continued (in my) Next Post
CP =» Chat Post(a chat message)
CRBT =» Crying Real Big Tears
CSG =» Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYA =» See You (Seeya)
CYAL8R =» See You Later (Seeyalata)
DLTBBB =» Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG =» Evil Grin
EMSG =» Email Message
FC =» Fingers Crossed
FTBOMH =» From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =» For Your Information
FWIW =» For What It's Worth
GAL =» Get A Life
GF =» Girlfriend
GFN =» Gone For Now
GMBA =» Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA =» Great Minds Think Alike
GTSY =» Glad To See You
H&K =» Hug and Kiss
HABU =» Have A Better 'Un
HAGN =» Have A Good Night
HAGU =» Have A Good 'Un
HHIS =» Hanging Head in Shame
HUB =» Head Up Butt
IAE =» In Any Event
IC =» I See
IGP =» I Gotta Pee
IMNSHO =» In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO =» In My Opinion
IMCO =» In My Considered Opinion
IMHO =» In My Humble Opinion
IOW =» In Other Words
IRL =» In Real Life
IWALU =» I Will Always Love You
JMO =» Just My Opinion
JTLYK =» Just To Let You Know
KIT =» Keep In Touch
KOC =» Kiss On Cheek
KOL =» Kiss On Lips
L8R =» Later
L8R G8R =» Later 'Gater
LHM =» Lord Help Me
LHO =» Laughing Head Off
LHU =» Lord Help Us
LMAO =» Laughing My A$$ Off
LMSO =» Laughing My Socks Off
LOL =» Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB =» Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH =» Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML =» Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
LTNS =» Long Time No See
LTS =» Laughing To Self
LUWAMH =» Love You With All My Heart
LY =» Love Ya
MTF =» More To Follow
NRN =» No Reply Necessary
NADT =» Not A Darn Thing
OIC =» Oh, I See
OL =» Old Lady (significant other)
OM =» Old Man (significant other)
OTOH =» On The Other Hand
OTTOMH =» Off The Top of My Head
PDS =» Please Don't Shoot
PITA =» Pain In The A$$
PM =» Private Message
PMFJI =» Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP =» Peed My Pants
POAHF =» Put On A Happy Face
QSL =» Reply
QSO =» Conversation
QT =» Cutie
ROFL =» Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAPMP =» ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLUTSROFL =» Unable to Speak
RTFM =» Read The F****** Manual!
SETE =» Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID =» Slaps Head In Disgust
SNERT =» Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SO =» Significant Other
SOT =» Short Of Time
SOTMG =» Short Of Time Must Go
SWAK =» Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS =» Scientific Wild A$$ Guess
SWL =» Screaming with Laughter
SYS =» See You Soon
TA =» Thanks Again
TGIF =» Thank God It's Friday
TCOY =» Take Care Of Yourself
TILII =» Tell It Like It Is
TNT =» Till Next Time
TOY =» Thinking Of You
TTFN =» Ta Ta For Now
TTYL =» Talk To You Later
WAS =» Wild A$$ Guess
WB =» Welcome Back
WTH =» What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H')
YBS =» You'll Be Sorry
YG =» Young Gentleman
YL =» Young Lady
YM =» Young Man
A | |
AAMOF | as a matter of fact |
ABFL | a big fat lady |
ABT | about |
ADN | any day now |
AFAIC | as far as I’m concerned |
AFAICT | as far as I can tell |
AFAICS | as far as I can see |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
AFAYC | as far as you’re concerned |
AFK | away from keyboard |
AH | asshole |
AISI | as I see it |
AIUI | as I understand it |
AKA | also known as |
AML | all my love |
ANFSCD | and now for something completely different |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASL | assistant section leader |
ASL | age, sex, location |
ASLP | age, sex, location, picture |
A/S/L | age/sex/location |
ASOP | assistant system operator |
ATM | at this moment |
AWA | as well as |
AWHFY | are we having fun yet? |
AWGTHTGTTA | are we going to have to go trough this again? |
AWOL | absent without leave |
AWOL | away without leave |
AYOR | at your own risk |
AYPI? | and your point is? |
B | |
B4 | before |
B4N | bye for now |
BAC | back at computer |
BAG | busting a gut |
BAK | back at the keyboard |
BBIAB | be back in a bit |
BBL | be back later |
BBLBNTSBO... | be back later but not to soon because of... |
BBR | burnt beyond repair |
BBS | be back soon |
BBS | bulletin board system |
BC | be cool |
B/C | because |
BCnU | be seeing you |
BEG | big evil grin |
BF | boyfriend |
B/F | boyfriend |
BFN | bye for now |
BG | big grin |
BION | believe it or not |
BIOYIOB | blow it out your I/O port |
BITMT | but in the meantime |
BM | bite me |
BMB | bite my bum |
BMTIPG | brilliant minds think in parallel gutters |
BKA | better known as |
BL | belly laughing |
BOB | back off bastard |
BOL | be on later |
BOM | bitch of mine |
BOT | back on topic |
BRB | be right back |
BRBB | be right back bitch |
BRBS | be right back soon |
BRH | be right here |
BRS | big red switch |
BS | big smile |
BS | bull shit |
BSF | but seriously folks |
BST | but seriously though |
BTA | but then again |
BTAIM | be that as it may |
BTDT | been there done that |
BTOBD | be there or be dead |
BTOBS | be there or be square |
BTSOOM | beats the shit out of me |
BTW | by the way |
BUDWEISER | because you deserve what every individual should ever receive |
BWQ | buzz word quotient |
BWTHDIK | but what the heck do I know |
BYOB | bring your own bottle |
BYOH | Bat You Onna Head |
C | |
C&G | chuckle and grin |
CAD | ctrl-alt-delete |
CADET | can’t add, doesn’t even try |
CDIWY | couldn’t do it without you |
CFV | call for votes |
CFS | care for secret? |
CFY | calling for you |
CID | crying in disgrace |
CIM | CompuServe information manager |
CLM | career limiting move |
CM@TW | catch me at the web |
CMIIW | correct me if I’m wrong |
CNP | continue in next post |
CO | conference |
CRAFT | can’t remember a f**king thing |
CRS | can’t remember shit |
CSG | chuckle snicker grin |
CTS | changing the subject |
CU | see you |
CU2 | see you too |
CUL | see you later |
CUL8R | see you later |
CWOT | complete waste of time |
CWYL | chat with you later |
CYA | see ya |
CYA | cover your ass |
CYAL8R | see ya later |
CYO | see you online |
D | |
DBA | doing business as |
DCed | disconnected |
DFLA | disenhanced four-letter acronym |
DH | darling husband |
DIIK | darn if i know |
DGA | digital guardian angel |
DGARA | don’t give a rats ass |
DIKU | do I know you? |
DIRTFT | do it right the first time |
DITYID | did I tell you I’m distressed |
DIY | do it yourself |
DL | download |
DL | dead link |
DLTBBB | don’t let the bad bugs bite |
DMMGH | don’t make me get hostile |
DQMOT | don’t quote me on this |
DND | do not disturb |
DTC | damn this computer |
DTRT | do the right thing |
DUCT | did you see that? |
DWAI | don’t worry about it |
DWIM | do what I mean |
DWIMC | do what I mean, correctly |
DWISNWID | do what I say, not what I do |
DYJHIW | don’t you just hate it when... |
DYK | do you know |
E | |
EAK | eating at keyboard |
EIE | enough is enough |
EG | evil grin |
EMFBI | excuse me for butting in |
EMFJI | excuse me for jumping in |
EMSG | email message |
EOD | end of discussion |
EOF | end of file |
EOL | end of lecture |
EOM | end of message |
EOS | end of story |
EOT | end of thread |
ETLA | extended three letter acronym |
EYC | excitable, yet calm |
F | |
F | female |
F/F | face to face |
F2F | face to face |
FAQ | frequently asked questions |
FAWC | for anyone who cares |
FBOW | for better or worse |
FBTW | fine, be that way |
FCFS | first come, first served |
FCOL | for crying out loud |
FIFO | first in, first out |
FISH | first in, still here |
FLA | four-letter acronym |
FOAD | f**k off and die |
FOAF | friend of a friend |
FOB | f**k off bitch |
FOC | free of charge |
FOCL | falling of chair laughing |
FOFL | falling on the floor laughing |
FOS | freedom of speech |
FOTCL | falling of the chair laughing |
FTF | face to face |
FTTT | from time to time |
FU | f**ked up |
FUBAR | f**ked up beyond all recognition |
FUDFUCT | fear, uncertainty and doubt |
FUCT | failed under continuas testing |
FURTB | full up ready to burst (about hard disk drives) |
FW | freeware |
FWIW | for what it’s worth |
FYA | for your amusement |
FYE | for your entertainment |
FYEO | for your eyes only |
FYI | for your information |
G | |
G | grin |
G2B | going to bed |
G&BIT | grin & bear it |
G2G | got to go |
G2GGS2D | got to go get something to drink |
G2GTAC | got to go take a crap |
G2GTAP | got to go take a pee |
GA | go ahead |
GA | good afternoon |
GAFIA | get away from it all |
GAL | get a life |
GAS | greetings and salutations |
GBH | great big hug |
GBH&K | great big huh and kisses |
GBR | garbled beyond recovery |
GBY | god bless you |
GD&H | grinning, ducking and hiding |
GD&R | grinning, ducking and running |
GD&RAFAP | grinning, ducking and running as fast as possible |
GD&REF&F | grinning, ducking and running even further and faster |
GD&RF | grinning, ducking and running fast |
GD&RVF | grinning, ducking and running very |
GD&W | grin, duck and wave |
GDW | grin, duck and wave |
GE | good evening |
GF | girlfriend |
GFETE | grinning from ear to ear |
GFN | gone for now |
GFU | good for you |
GG | good game |
GGU2 | good game you two |
GIGO | garbage in garbage out |
GJ | good job |
GL | good luck |
GL&GH | good luck and good hunting |
GM | good morning / good move / good match |
GMAB | give me a break |
GMAO | giggling my ass off |
GMBO | giggling my butt off |
GMTA | great minds think alike |
GN | good night |
GOK | god only knows |
GOWI | get on with it |
GPF | general protection fault |
GR8 | great |
GR&D | grinning, running and ducking |
GtG | got to go |
GTSY | glad to see you |
H | |
H | hug |
H/O | hold on |
H&K | hug and kiss |
HAK | hug and kiss |
HAGD | have a good day |
HAGN | have a good night |
HAGS | have a good summer |
HAG1 | have a good one |
HAHA | having a heart attack |
HAND | have a nice day |
HB | hug back |
HB | hurry back |
HDYWTDT | how do you work this dratted thing |
HF | have fun |
HH | holding hands |
HHIS | hanging head in shame |
HHJK | ha ha, just kidding |
HHOJ | ha ha, only joking |
HHOK | ha ha, only kidding |
HHOS | ha ha, only seriously |
HIH | hope it helps |
HILIACACLO | help I lapsed into a coma and can’t log off |
HIWTH | hate it when that happens |
HLM | he loves me |
HMS | home made smiley |
HMS | hanging my self |
HMT | here’s my try |
HMWK | homework |
HOAS | hold on a second |
HSIK | how should i know |
HTH | hope this helps |
HTHBE | hope this has been enlightening |
HYLMS | hate you like my sister |
I | |
IAAA | I am an accountant |
IAAL | I am a lawyer |
IAC | in any case |
IC | I see |
IAE | in any event |
IAG | it’s all good |
IAG | I am gay |
IAIM | in an Irish minute |
IANAA | I am not an accountant |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer |
IBN | I’m bucked naked |
ICOCBW | I could of course be wrong |
IDC | I don’t care |
IDGI | I don’t get it |
IDGARA | I don’t give a rat’s ass |
IDGW | in a good way |
IDI | I doubt it |
IDK | I don’t know |
IDTT | I’ll drink to that |
IFVB | I feel very bad |
IGP | I gotta pee |
IGTP | I get the point |
IHTFP | I hate this f**king place |
IHTFP | I have truly found paradise |
IHU | I hate you |
IHY | I hate you |
II | I’m impressed |
IIT | I’m impressed too |
IIR | if I recall |
IIRC | if I recall correctly |
IJWTK | I just want to know |
IJWTS | I just want to say |
IK | I know |
IKWUM | I know what you mean |
ILBCNU | I’ll be seeing you |
ILU | I love you |
ILY | I love you |
ILYFAE | I love you forever and ever |
IMAO | in my arrogant opinion |
IMFAO | in my f***ing arrogant opinion |
IMBO | in my bloody opinion |
IMCO | in my considered opinion |
IME | in my experience |
IMHO | in my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | in my, not so humble opinion |
IMO | in my opinion |
IMOBO | in my own biased opinion |
IMPOV | in my point of view |
IMP | I might be pregnant |
INAL | I’m not a lawyer |
INPO | in no particular order |
IOIT | I’m on Irish Time |
IOW | in other words |
IRL | in real life |
IRMFI | I reply merely for information |
IRSTBO | it really sucks the big one |
IS | I’m sorry |
ISEN | internet search environment number |
ISTM | it seems to me |
ISTR | I seem to recall |
ISWYM | I see what you mean |
ITFA | in the final analysis |
ITRO | in the reality of |
ITRW | in the real world |
ITSFWI | if the shoe fits, wear it |
IVL | in virtual live |
IWALY | I will always love you |
IWBNI | it would be nice if |
IYKWIM | if you know what I mean |
IYSWIM | if you see what I mean |
J | |
JAM | just a minute |
JAS | just a second |
JASE | just another system error |
JAWS | just another windows shell |
JIC | just in case |
JJWY | just joking with you |
JK | just kidding |
J/K | just kidding |
JMHO | just my humble opinion |
JMO | just my opinion |
JP | just playing |
J/P | just playing |
JTLYK | just to let you know |
JW | just wondering |
K | |
K | OK |
K | kiss |
KHYF | know how you feel |
KB | kiss back |
KISS | keep it simple sister |
KIS(S) | keep it simple (stupid) |
KISS | keeping it sweetly simple |
KIT | keep in touch |
KMA | kiss my ass |
KMB | kiss my butt |
KMSMA | kiss my shiny metal ass |
KOTC | kiss on the cheek |
KOTL | kiss on the lips |
KUTGW | keep up the good work |
KWIM | know what I mean? |
L | |
L | laugh |
L8R | later |
L8R G8R | later gator |
LAB | life’s a bitch |
LAM | leave a message |
LBR | little boys room |
LD | long distance |
LIMH | laughing in my head |
LG | lovely greetings |
LIMH | laughing in my head |
LGR | little girls room |
LHM | Lord help me |
LHU | Lord help us |
LL&P | live long & prosper |
LNK | love and kisses |
LMA | leave me alone |
LMABO | laughing my ass back on |
LMAO | laughing my ass off |
MBO | laughing my butt off |
LMHO | laughing my head off |
LMFAO | laughing my fat ass off |
LMK | let me know |
LOL | laughing out loud |
LOL | lots of love |
LOL | lots of luck |
LOLA | laughing out loud again |
LOML | light of my life (or love of my life) |
LOMLILY | light of my life, I love you |
LOOL | laughing out outrageously loud |
LSHIPMP | laughing so hard I pissed my pants |
LSHMBB | laughing so hard my belly is bouncing |
LSHMBH | laughing so hard my belly hurts |
LTNS | long time no see |
LTR | long term relationship |
LTS | laughing to self |
LULAS | love you like a sister |
LUWAMH | love you with all my heart |
LY | love ya |
LYK | let you know |
LYL | love ya lots |
LYLAB | love ya like a brother |
LYLAS | love ya like a sister |
M | |
M | male |
MB | maybe |
MYOB | mind your own business |
M8 | mate |
N | |
N | in |
N2M | not too much |
N/C | not cool |
NE1 | anyone |
NETUA | nobody ever tells us anything |
NFI | no f***ing idea |
NL | not likely |
NM | never mind / nothing much |
N/M | never mind / nothing much |
NMH | not much here |
NMJC | nothing much, just chillin’ |
NOM | no offense meant |
NOTTOMH | not of the top of my mind |
NOYB | none of your business |
NOYFB | none of your f***ing business |
NP | no problem |
NPS | no problem sweet(ie) |
NTA | non-technical acronym |
N/S | no shit |
NVM | nevermind |
O | |
OBTW | oh, by the way |
OIC | oh, I see |
OF | on fire |
OFIS | on floor with stitches |
OK | abbreviation of oll korrect (all correct) |
OL | old lady (wife, girlfriend) |
OM | old man (husband, boyfriend) |
OMG | oh my god / gosh / goodness |
OOC | out of character |
OT | Off topic / other topic |
OTOH | on the other hand |
OTTOMH | off the top of my head |
P | |
P@H | parents at home |
PAH | parents at home |
PAW | parents are watching |
PDS | please don’t shoot |
PEBCAK | problem exists between chair and keyboard |
PIZ | parents in room |
PLZ | please |
PM | private message |
PMJI | pardon my jumping in (Another way for PMFJI) |
PMFJI | pardon me for jumping in |
PMP | peed my pants |
POAHF | put on a happy face |
POOF | I have left the chat |
POTB | pats on the back |
POS | parents over shoulder |
PPL | people |
PS | post script |
PSA | public show of affection |
Q | |
Q4U | question for you |
QSL | reply |
QSO | conversation |
QT | cutie |
R | |
RCed | reconnected |
RE | hi again (same as re’s) |
RME | rolling my eyses |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing |
ROFLAPMP | rolling on floor laughing and peed my pants |
ROFLMAO | rolling on floor laughing my ass off |
ROFLOLAY | rolling on floor laughing out loud at you |
ROFLOLTSDMC | rolling on floor laughing out loud tears streaming down my cheeks |
ROFLOLWTIME | rolling on floor laughing out loud with tears in my eyes |
ROFLOLUTS | rolling on floor laughing out loud unable to speak |
ROTFL | rolling on the floor laughing |
RVD | really very dumb |
RUTTM | are you talking to me |
RTF | read the FAQ |
RTFM | read the f***ing manual |
RTSM | read the stupid manual |
S | |
S2R | send to receive |
SAMAGAL | stop annoying me and get a live |
SCNR | sorry, could not resist |
SETE | smiling ear to ear |
SH | so hot |
SH | same here |
SHICPMP | so happy I could piss my pants |
SHID | slaps head in disgust |
SHMILY | see how much I love you |
SNAFU | situation normal, all F***ed up |
SO | significant other |
SOHF | sense of humor failure |
SOMY | sick of me yet? |
SPAM | stupid persons’ advertisement |
SRY | sorry |
SSDD | same shit different day |
STBY | sucks to be you |
STFU | shut the f*ck up |
STI | stick(ing) to it |
STW | search the web |
SWAK | sealed with a kiss |
SWALK | sweet, with all love, kisses |
SWL | screaming with laughter |
SIM | shit, it’s Monday |
SITWB | sorry, in the wrong box |
S/U | shut up |
SYS | see you soon |
SYSOP | system operator |
T | |
TA | thanks again |
TCO | taken care of |
TGIF | thank god its Friday |
THTH | to hot to handle |
THX | thanks |
TIA | thanks in advance |
TIIC | the idiots in charge |
TJM | that’s just me |
TLA | three-letter acronym |
TMA | take my advice |
TMI | to much information |
TMS | to much showing |
TNSTAAFL | there’s no such thing as a free lunch |
TNX | thanks |
TOH | to other half |
TOY | thinking of you |
TPTB | the powers that be |
TSDMC | tears streaming down my cheeks |
TT2T | to tired to talk |
TTFN | ta ta for now |
TTT | thought that, too |
TTUL | talk to you later |
TTYIAM | talk to you in a minute |
TTYL | talk to you later |
TTYLMF | talk to you later my friend |
TU | thank you |
TWMA | till we meet again |
TX | thanx |
TY | thank you |
TYVM | thank you very much |
U | |
U2 | you too |
UAPITA | you’re a pain in the ass |
UR | your |
UW | you’re welcom |
URAQT! | you are a cutie! |
V | |
VBG | very big grin |
VBS | very big smile |
W | |
W8 | wait |
W8AM | wait a minute |
WAY | what about you |
WAY | who are you |
WB | welcome back |
WBS | write back soon |
WDHLM | why doesn’t he love me |
WDYWTTA | What Do You Want To Talk About |
WE | whatever |
W/E | whatever |
WFM | works for me |
WNDITWB | we never did it this way before |
WP | wrong person |
WRT | with respect to |
WTF | what/who the F***? |
WTG | way to go |
WTGP | want to go private? |
WTH | what/who the heck? |
WTMI | way to much information |
WU | what’s up? |
WUD | what’s up dog? |
WUF | where are you from? |
WUWT | whats up with that |
WYMM | will you marry me? |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get |
X | |
XTLA | extended three letter acronym |
Y | |
Y | why? |
Y2K | you’re too kind |
YATB | you are the best |
YBS | you’ll be sorry |
YG | young gentleman |
YHBBYBD | you’d have better bet your bottom dollar |
YKYWTKM | you know you want to kiss me |
YL | young lady |
YL | you ’ll live |
YM | you mean |
YM | young man |
YMMD | you’ve made my day |
YMMV | your mileage may vary |
YVM | you’re very welcom |
YW | you’re welcome |
YWIA | you’re welcome in advance |
YWTHM | you want to hug me |
YWTLM | you want to love me |
YWTKM | you want to kiss me |
YOYO | you’re on your own |
YY4U | two wise for you |
Z | |
more... | |
? | huh? |
?4U | question for you |
>U | screw you! |
/myB | kick my boobs |
2U2 | to you too |
2MFM | to much for me |
4AYN | for all you know |
4COL | for crying out loud |
4SALE | for sale |
4U | for you |
=w= | whatever |
*G* | giggle or grin |
*H* | hug |
*K* | kiss |
*S* | smile |
*T* | tickle |
*W* | wink |
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