Google Glass is still a long way away and the projected price of $1,500 (Rs. 90,000 approx) may be a bit too steep for many. But there is an alternative out there for 1/10th the price, and it doesn't even require you to look sideways to see the messages. Meet GlassUp, a new startup that is looking to raise $150,000 (Rs. 90 lac approx) through a campaign on Indiegogo. GlassUp can show you maps while driving, recipes while cooking and even translate foreign languages. GlassUp is like Google Glass in most ways, except it's a "receive-only" device - this means you won't be able to record videos or capture any information. It will only show info from your Android or iOS smartphone, with which it pairs via Bluetooth. GlassUp is made up of four elements: the frame, the optical system, a touch-pad and electronic circuit. The optical system sends the message from the circuit to the eye of the user, and allows him to see the status towards the centre-bottom of his vi...
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